Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2015

Discussion about the roadmap for VuFind3 – the basis of the swissbib presentation component

On October 12 and 13, the VuFind Summit 2015 will take place in Villanova

This year the VuFind community will start an important discussion about the roadmap for the upcoming new major release of the VuFind presentation component.

In advance of this summit, the swissbib project gave a presentation at the VuFind 2015 user meeting in Constance about the software architecture as seen from the perspective of the wishes and requirements of the swissbib project and based on our experiences in the last two years while using and developing our presentation component.

We think the next months will be very important for the future of the project and the widening acceptance of library institutions in using the software created by the VuFind community. If you are interested in the current ideas and upcoming discussion, take a look at the english version of the document presented in Constance.

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